Final Exam Schedule
Boston College has different exam schedules for Undergraduate and Graduate level courses as follows (courses at the combined Undergrad/Grad level follow the Undergraduate level exam schedule; for any questions check with the course instructor):
Undergraduate Course Exams
Undergraduate Courses Exams either have a standard exam or a common exam.
Standard exams: Undergraduate classes that meet in time slots starting between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
NOTE: If you do not see your class meeting time on the grid below, and the class meeting time falls halfway between two class time slots, use the corresponding exam time slot for the later class time slot. For example, a class meeting MW starting at 8:30 should use the MWF 9 class meeting time slot to determine the corresponding exam times.
Common Exams: some undergraduate courses with multiple class sections; these are grouped together to provide ease in the administration of the exams. Review the Common Exam tab for those courses to which this type of exam applies.
Graduate Course Exams
Graduate Courses Exams: meets on the same day of the week on which the class meets during the semester and follows this grid on the Graduate Courses Exams tab.
All Exams
Students should check their final exam schedule in the Agora Portal as the end of the semester approaches to confirm the time and room assignments for each of their exams.
Instructors should check their final exam schedule in the Agora Portal as the end of the semester approaches to confirm the time and room assignments for each of their exams. If your exam day/time/location does not appear on your list of exams in your Portal as expected, notify your Department Administrator immediately so it may be scheduled.
NOTE: exams usually occur in the classroom in which the course is taught, but there may be exceptions. Please check the exam room assignment as your exam approaches.
Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule
Class Meeting Time | Exam Day | Exam Time |
M W F 8 | Monday, May 5 | 4:00 p.m. |
M W 9 or M W F 9 | Tuesday, May 13 | 9:00 a.m. |
M W 10 or M W F 10 | Wednesday, May 7 | 9:00 a.m. |
M W 10:30 or M W F 11 | Saturday, May 10 | 9:00 a.m. |
M W 12 or M W F 12 | Friday, May 9 | 9:00 a.m. |
M W 1 or M W F 1 | Monday, May 12 | 12:30 p.m. |
M W 1:30 or M W F 2 | Wednesday, May 7 | 12:30 p.m. |
M W 3 or M W F 3 | Thursday, May 8 | 12:30 p.m. |
M W 4:30 or M W 4:30 or M or W class that begins at 4:30 p.m. (classes that meet at 5pm or later follow grid below) | Monday, May 5 | 4:00 p.m. |
T TH 7:45 | Saturday, May 10 | 4:00 p.m. |
T TH 8 or 8:30 or T TH 9 | Tuesday, May 6 | 9:00 a.m. |
T TH 10:30 | Monday, May 12 | 9:00 a.m. |
T TH 12 | Friday, May 9 | 12:30 p.m. |
T TH 1:30 | Saturday, May 10 | 12:30 p.m. |
T TH 3 | Thursday, May 8 | 9:00 a.m. |
T TH 4:30 or Any T or TH class that begins at 4:30 p.m. (classes that meet at 5 p.m. or later follow grid below) | Tuesday, May 6 | 12:30 p.m. |
Undergraduate courses that meet once a week at 5 p.m. or later according to the class meeting patterns listed below: | Exam Date | Exam Time |
Mondays only or Monday and Wednesday or Monday and Wednesday and Friday | Monday, May 12 | Class Time |
Tuesdays only or Tuesday and Thursday | Tuesday, May 6 | Class Time |
Wednesdays only | Wednesday, May 7 | Class Time |
Thursdays only | Thursday, May 8 | Class Time |
Fridays only | Friday, May 9 | Class Time |
Please note that courses designated as both Undergraduate and Graduate follow the Undergraduate Course Exam schedule. |
Tuesday, May 6 MGMT3099 Strategic Mgmt | Wednesday, May 7 BZAN1021 Operations Mgmt |
Thursday, May 8 CSCI1101 Comp Science I
| Friday, May 9 MATH1100 Calculus I
Monday, May 12 Make-up exams for all courses scheduled for Common exams |
Graduate exams, as described below, will be held at the usual class meeting time and location unless otherwise posted on the exam schedule.
Graduate courses with class time on the following days meet:
Day Class Meets | Exam Day and Date | Exam Time |
Mondays only or Monday and Wednesday or Monday and Wednesday and Friday or Monday and Thursday | Monday, May 12 | Class Time |
Tuesdays only or Tuesday and Thursday | Tuesday, May 6 | Class Time |
Wednesdays only | Wednesday, May 7 | Class Time |
Thursdays only | Thursday, May 8 | Class Time |
Fridays only | Friday, May 9 | Class Time |
Please note that courses designated as both Undergraduate and Graduate follow the Undergraduate Course Exam schedule.
Reminders and Contact Information
- No exams should be scheduled outside the designated exam dates on the Academic Calendar.
- Students should check their final exam schedule in the Agora Portal as the end of the semester approaches to confirm the time and room assignments for each of their exams.
- Instructors should check their final exam schedule in the Agora Portal as the end of the semester approaches to confirm the time and room assignments for each of their exams. If your exam day/time/location does not appear on your list of exams in your Portal as expected, notify your Department Administrator immediately so it may be scheduled.
- Exams usually occur in the classroom in which the course is taught, but there may be exceptions. Please check the exam room assignment as your exam approaches.
- Additional questions? Contact
Multiple Exam Policy
Students are expected to take no more than two final exams in any one day. If a student has three exams scheduled in one day and one of these is a common exam, it is the responsibility of the instructor holding the common exam to give a make-up exam.
If a student has three regularly scheduled exams (this can occur if the student is taking a course that meets at 4:00 p.m. or later), the instructor teaching the course outside of the standard time blocks (8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.) should provide a make-up exam.
If a student has two exams scheduled at the same time, the instructor teaching the course that meets later in the week during the semester should provide a make-up exam (for example, if a student is enrolled in a course that meets on Mondays from 4:30–6:50, and is additionally enrolled in a course that meets on Wednesdays from 4:30–6:50, the instructor of the Wednesday course should provide the make-up exam).
Note: a student may elect to take all three exams as scheduled; it is up to the student to inquire with their instructors regarding the rescheduling of their exams.
If a student has a conflict between a common exam and a regularly scheduled late afternoon or evening course exam, the responsibility for a make-up lies with the instructor offering the common exam.
For clarification on these policies, please reach out to
Inclement Weather Policy
If there is inclement weather during the examination period, there is the expectation that exams will be held as scheduled. In the very rare instance that the exam schedule is delayed or postponed due to severe weather or other emergency situations, the first available of the following days will be used: the Sunday during the exam week, the afternoon of the last exam day, and the day after the last exam day. If rescheduling is necessary, you will receive notifications by text and/or email from Boston College, or you may call the Boston College INFO line (888-BOS-COLL) or refer to Students are responsible for attending final exams at the scheduled times. Students should consider possible exam rescheduling when making travel plans at the end of the semester.